We, of Screen Rebels, are going to place the primacy of the screenplay and the performance of actors at the centre of our Showcase Event.
Too often the writer’s original vision becomes diluted by the demands of production and market needs. We’ve created Screen Rebels as our answer to this frequent scenario. We believe Screenplays, radio plays and tele plays are unique works of literature and deserve to be read and performed for their own sake in front of an audience.
Our showcase will comprise of three theatrical like performances of short films, radio plays and full length feature scripts. We’re going to place the screenwriter in the driving seat of this unique creative performance of their story. Their characters will be brought to life by a cast of emerging actors who will dramatise the story.
We will tailor our stories to enhance actors performance and ensure a truly immersive audience experience. It’s our intention to recreate the film without the screen.
It’s a unique opportunity for audiences to witness the writer’s creative ambitions and peer through that magic window at the early stages of this special creative process that provides the spark to every film’s journey.
Our Showcase event will also be an opportunity to establish a brand new community for writers, producer, directors and actors, who will be able to meet with the view of forming partnerships to elevate their talents to the silver screen. Our community and networking events endeavour to promote and create opportunities for writers and actors to ensure that their skills find their audience.